The ISPN Young Investigator Award is presented to an individual with an outstanding record of achievement and creativity in basic or patient-oriented research related to kidney diseases in children. It is limited to individuals who are age 45 or younger on December 31 of the year during which the award is presented. The goals of the award are to recognize individuals who have made substantial research contributions to the discipline, displayed innovation and excellence in research to advance the science and/or practice of pediatric nephrology.
The academic committee (AC) will oversee all the process related to the award and ISPN executive committee will be the final approval body. This includes announcing and receiving applications. The jury will be constituted by the academic committee with a tenure of 3 consecutive years and will comprise of 3 senior members from ISPN and one accomplished researcher from outside the pediatric nephrology community in India.
The application will be evaluated based on the approved evaluation process, and AC will make the recommendation to ISPN-EC Council as to the top-ranked candidate. In years where the applicant pool does not meet the award criteria, the academic committee may recommend to ISPN EC that no award be presented.
Members of the jury may not nominate a candidate nor co-sign a letter of nomination. A member of the committee must recuse himself/herself from any discussions concerning their own candidature or candidates from his/her institution.
The application submitted will be valid for 3 years.In case the nominee is not selected within 3 years, he/she can reapply.
Announcement: 15th -31stJanuary
Deadline for receiving application: 30thApril
Evaluation and selection process: 31st August
Announcing recipient -30thSept
Presentation of award: During annual conference [November-December]
The awardee will receive the following: An engraved medallion and citation with complimentary registration to the ISPNCON in the award year.